March 19, 2020

CSER Professor Liz OuYang was interviewed by Democracy Now! on her response to President Trump calling the corona virus, the “Chinese” virus. OuYang discussed the impact of Trump’s words on the Asian-American community.

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March 18, 2020

CSER Co-Director Mae Ngai shared her thoughts about the effect of President Trump’s incendiary tweets on the Chinese-American community. She is featured on Background Briefing and quoted in an Oprah Magazine article.

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February 23, 2020

CSER Professor Jennifer Lee was inducted on February 23, 2020 as the 91st President of the
Eastern Sociological Society (ESS).  As President of one of the largest regional sociological societies in the world, Prof. Lee will design the 2021 ESS Annual Conference, which will be hosted in New York City.

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Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race
 420 Hamilton Hall, MC 2880
1130 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
CSER continues to be Columbia's main interdisciplinary space for the study of ethnicity and race and their implications for thinking about culture, power, hierarchy, social identities, and political communities.
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