Darius V. Echeverría

Darius V. Echeverría is a historian, public speaker, writer, editor, and onscreen commenter specializing in the Latinx experience in American popular culture. As such, he continues building a career as a scholar and professor who, through writing, teaching, and research, brings historical insights to contemporary debates about American identity and culture.  He earned his doctorate and an M.A. in American History from Temple University. He also holds a B.A. magna cum laude in History from Rutgers University. As a Lecturer in both Columbia’s Department of History and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER), he specializes in Latinx Studies, Mexican American History, Political History, Social Movements, and Sport and Society.  He currently leads the Senior Project Seminar for CSER, which is designed to develop and hone the skills necessary to complete an advanced senior academic project. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Columbia, he serves as an undergraduate academic dean for Columbia College and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.  He has held his faculty and deanship appointments at Columbia University since 2013. Since 2006, Professor Echeverría has also been a faculty member for the Department of History and the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, with the current standing of Lecturer II.

He is the author of Aztlán Arizona (University of Arizona Press, 2014), a history of the Chicano Movement in Arizona during the 1960s and 1970s.  Furthermore, his historical analysis, which often explore inequality and social policy and cycles of agency related to constitutional rights has been reflected in numerous publications, including book chapters, edited works, peer reviewed journal articles, essays, and digital content.  He is currently carrying out research for his next book project while also collaborating with other scholars through an assortment of academic projects and research publications.  He holds several leadership positions in national, statewide, regional, and university organizations, advisory councils, government task forces, and editorial boards as well.

Darius V. Echeverría

Darius V. Echeverría is a historian, public speaker, writer, editor, and onscreen commenter specializing in the Latinx experience in American popular culture. As such, he continues building a career as a scholar and professor who, through writing, teaching, and research, brings historical insights to contemporary debates about American identity and culture.  He earned his doctorate and an M.A. in American History from Temple University. He also holds a B.A. magna cum laude in History from Rutgers University. As a Lecturer in both Columbia’s Department of History and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER), he specializes in Latinx Studies, Mexican American History, Political History, Social Movements, and Sport and Society.  He currently leads the Senior Project Seminar for CSER, which is designed to develop and hone the skills necessary to complete an advanced senior academic project. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Columbia, he serves as an undergraduate academic dean for Columbia College and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.  He has held his faculty and deanship appointments at Columbia University since 2013. Since 2006, Professor Echeverría has also been a faculty member for the Department of History and the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, with the current standing of Lecturer II.

He is the author of Aztlán Arizona (University of Arizona Press, 2014), a history of the Chicano Movement in Arizona during the 1960s and 1970s.  Furthermore, his historical analysis, which often explore inequality and social policy and cycles of agency related to constitutional rights has been reflected in numerous publications, including book chapters, edited works, peer reviewed journal articles, essays, and digital content.  He is currently carrying out research for his next book project while also collaborating with other scholars through an assortment of academic projects and research publications.  He holds several leadership positions in national, statewide, regional, and university organizations, advisory councils, government task forces, and editorial boards as well.

Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race
 420 Hamilton Hall, MC 2880
1130 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
CSER is Columbia's main interdisciplinary space for the study of ethnicity and race and their implications for thinking about culture, power, hierarchy, social identities, and political communities.
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